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Writing Bootcamps

Six weeks of regular online writing sprints PLUS weekly prompts to inspire you and help you stay focused on your creative projects. Suitable for journalling, novel-writing, poeting and any other form of writing.

Who leads the sessions?

Dedicated WriteClub hosts will welcome you into the space, remind you to set your goals and call you back at the end of each writing sprint.

When is the next Writing Bootcamp?

Starts Mon 9th Sept 2024 

6 weeks of writing sprints on

Mondays 7-8pm

Wednesdays 7-8pm

Fridays 10-11am

Sundays 10-11am

What is a Writing Bootcamp?


WriteClub Bootcamps provide a dedicated online space where you can log in, state your goals and get on with some serious writing. There's a power in the process of signing up, committing to sessions and writing in the company of others.


The writing sprints run from 7-8:00pm [BST] on Mondays and Wednesdays and 10-11am [BST] on Fridays and Sundays. You can commit to as many or as few sessions as you like.


Each week you'll be sent a prompt that you can choose to work with. Or you can get on with your own work. In the past people have used the sessions to journal, to bash out first drafts, to write braided essays, pen poetry and more. Basically, if you have some writing you want to focus on, these sprints will support you.


At the end of each Bootcamp, you'll be invited to share your words aloud at a supportive online open mic. You're also likely to find like-minded people to write with! Give it a whirl and discover the magic of Writing Bootcamp for yourself.

"Alison has great energy and brings a lightness to the process of writing which I appreciated. She is very skilled at bringing people together and making them feel comfortable as a group. Most importantly, however, this course got me writing!"

- Laura 




Who is it for?


  • Anyone who wants to get some writing done

  • Writers who work better in company

  • Writers who really want to focus on their words

  • People who want space to share their work.


  • Weekly prompts delivered to your inbox

  • Chance to meet like-minded people

  • Exclusive access to online open mic

Course fees:

There are two Bootcamp tiers - choose whichever works best for you.

Basic Bootcamp - access to all the sprints plus open mic: £35
Silver Bootcamp - access to all the sprints, open mic and a 1-1 mentoring session with Alison Powell: £175
Sign Up Monday
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